Replacing your missing teeth with dental implants and implant-retained teeth may allow you to live your life more fully. When your treatment is complete, you should be able to chew, speak, and socialize without experiencing the negative emotions that having missing teeth or hard-to-wear dentures can sometimes cause. Dental implants can also eliminate the need for denture adhesives.
Dental implants and implant-retained teeth will help minimize the amount of bone that will be lost in the areas of missing teeth. Preserving oral bone may help maintain your natural facial contours. Also, replacing your missing teeth may reduce the risk of having the poorer nutritional habits often found in patients who do not replace missing teeth. Implants never decay, so if you have lost teeth due to cavities rather than periodontal disease, you are a great candidate for periodontal implants.
Dental implant problems and complications
While dental implants have a long-term high success rate, an average of 10% to 20% of dental implants suffer from various complications. One of the most commonly seen dental implant complications is bone loss around dental implants called peri-implantitis. There are many different treatment options for peri-implant diseases, and one of the most successful modalities is guided bone regeneration (adding bone and membrane to the ailing implants). Other treatment options include laser therapy and local or systematic delivery of an antibiotic. Dr. Huynh has rescued many ailing implants and has saved patients from losing their implant restorations. If your general dentist tells you that your implant is in trouble, please contact our office.